Learn the exact steps I took to lose 12 kgs without dieting!

Forget about controlling everything you put in your mouth. Forget about working out obsessively. 

Here's an approach to health that's actually doable!

*Starts on June 7th*

doors close in...


* Spots are limited *

You've spent years trying to lose weight.

You've spent hours every day in the gym and counting calories only to end up gaining weight because of the amount of times 
you sabotage yourself by pounding bags of junk food at the end of the day.

Even though your weight isn't excessive, it's crazy what gaining back a few kgs can actually feel like in your body.

You're unhappy with your body and you think about your weight every time...

  • You get dressed
  • Someone takes a photo of you
  • You're scrolling down on Instagram
  • Dessert is served
  • You think of meeting new people

And you have a full list of things you won't do until  you lose weight. A real list (in your notes app):

  • You have a beautiful dress that you won't wear until you're thin
  • You don't buy new clothes or get a new haircut because you tell yourself that you need to lose weight first
  • You feel like you can't live fully or have nice things just because you have to punish yourself for being overweight

Your life is on hold.

And you feel like you've tried everything:

  • You've tried to not buy junk food
  • You've tried to drink more water
  • You've tried to track everything you eat
  • You've tried to track how many calories you burn every day

But you can't make yourself care or stick to a diet for longer than two weeks.

You've blamed your weight on your genes and slow metabolism. But the reality binge often (maybe every day). You eat when you're not hungry. And you know you have a problem with food but you can't bring yourself to fix it.

You've tried controlling everything you put in your mouth and working out obsessively. Neither has worked out the way you'd hoped.

Strict dieting has sucked the fun out of social situations.

You're not one of those people that gravitate towards healthy eating habits. You struggle with willpower. Overeating is your deep rooted default habit in response to boredom, stress, and anxiety. Oh...the amount of times when you aimlessly browse the pantry and fridge in search of the right food to satisfy your cravings!

Sometimes  you can stay on track all day, then 10 or 11 pm hit and BAM! Late night snacks (leftover mac & cheese?!?) ruin everything. And then, the guilt and shame are insane so you find yourself exercising at midnight to try to burn off the extra calories.

And the constant comments and criticism from other people only push you to use food as an emotional crutch and gain more weight. You know they mean well but their comments are only making things worse.  

It's exhausting trying to figure it out on your own, right? You don't want to be this obsessed with food and dieting.

...if only you could stop the horrific diet roller coaster! Because let's face it - you're absolutely fed up with it.

But how do you get started with healthy eating?

How do you get the willpower to stay focused for more than a few days?

How do you get the motivation to change?



The Wellness Method is my 6-week online health coaching program designed to help you reach your healthiest weight without dieting.

I'll teach you how to balance your meals and lifestyle so that you can nourish and support your body and your health, while also enjoying the not-so-healthy foods you love.

Life is too short to sacrifice your favorite foods, your social life or your happiness in order to be thin. 

You'll be able to not only say good-bye to strict diets, but also to punishing exercise, self-doubt, guilt, and shame.

We'll work on improving your mindset and daily habits to make sure they support your goals and lead you to begin a positive flywheel of self-improvement that will impact all areas of your life.

Join a community of like-minded women who encourage and motivate each other to break free from the binge eating cycle forever. For the first time in your life, you'll feel truly understood.

This program will help you get your confidence and motivation back.


Imagine if you...

  • Had the motivation to eat well
  • Started loving your body
  • Stopped being crazy around food
  • Were surrounded by people who understand you
  • Could eat cake and still lose weight
  • Felt satisfied after eating and no longer had urges to overeat or binge eat 
  • No longer felt bloated or tired all the time 
  • Had to invest in smaller jeans 
  • Got praised by others
  • Could feel your collar bones and hip bones again!
  • Had someone to keep you accountable and to provide encouraging words when you need them
  • Could walk around with confidence again

all of these are possible for you! 

I'm going to teach you the exact steps I took to lose 12 kgs without dieting

What will you Get When You Sign Up?

  • Starting on June 7th, every Monday during the duration of the program, you'll get a video module and downloadable workbook with health and nutrition principles that will walk you step by step through the process of healing your body and reaching your healthiest weight
  • A weekly 60-90 minutes group coaching call with a few other women in the program, where I'll answer any questions you have and provide support and motivation to help you get closer to your goals. This call will take place on Sundays 6PM (Dubai time - GMT+4), 10AM (New York time - EST) 
  • Every call is recorded and you'll receive a replay within 24 hours, in case you can't attend the live session 
  • 2 one-on-one 60 minutes coaching calls with me that you can schedule anytime during the duration of the program 
  • Lifetime access to the video modules and all the course materials
  • Private Facebook community providing accountability and support from women just like you 
  • Plus recipes, meditations and journal prompts

What will you need?

  • An internet connection
  • 3 hours per week to watch the video, complete the workbook, and attend the weekly call
  • 100% commitment to achieving your goals
  • To be 18 years old or older

THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU IF you want to ...

  • Fit into that dress you haven't fit into in years 
  • Have the freedom to walk into a shop and buy clothes you like knowing that you'll look great in them 
  • Walk around with confidence and not fear the dressing room or the camera again
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and be able to recognize yourself in your body and love what you see



  • You're looking for a quick-fix 
  • You're not 100% committed to improving your health and your life
  • You have amazing willpower and enjoy dieting
early bird

* Waitlist only - Valid until June 2nd, 2021 *

$ 280

  • Lifetime access
  • Access to 6 weekly modules
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls
  • 2 one-on-one coaching calls
  • Private Facebook community
  • 3 bonuses

This is the only health coaching program that includes 2 one-on-one coaching calls at this price.

The price of the program will increase in the next edition. 

regular price

* Valid until June 6th, 2021 *

$ 333

  • Lifetime access
  • Access to 6 weekly modules
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls
  • 2 one-on-one coaching calls
  • Private Facebook community
  • 3 bonuses

This is the only health coaching program that includes 2 one-on-one coaching calls at this price.

The price of the program will increase in the next edition. 

the wellness method has these 3 pillars:

*Most health coaching programs include only one of these*


A crash course on how your body works. Learn how to use the power of real food to balance your blood sugar, improve digestion, manage stress and reach your healthiest weight. 

This includes everything you need to know about food: reading labels, meal planning, cooking healthy meals, and eating for your own individual needs.  


Say goodbye to restrictive dieting. I'll help you change your mindset so that you start taking care of your body from a place of love, gratitude and appreciation. 

This is key for being able to enjoy your healing journey, and for achieving long term results. You'll be able to tune into your body to understand its exact needs and how to satisfy them.


Learn how to use meditation, deep breathing exercises, visualization, journaling, movement, spirituality, joy, community and self-care activities to improve all areas of your life. 

I'll provide the tools you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life without sacrificing the foods you love, your social life, or your pleasure.


YOU'LL GET 6 weeks of Q&A group calls, one-on-one HELP WHENEVER YOU NEED IT and access to a community of SUPPORTING like-minded women



Week 1

Heal your relationship with food and with your body.

+ Introduction to real food, body-love meditation and self-care checklist. 

Week 2

Real food deep dive.

+ Find balance, let go of guilt, visualization exercises, self-love mantras, and exercise tips.

Week 3

Healthy Cooking. 

+ Fridge & pantry checklist, one-week meal plan, healthy recipes, pre-meal meditation.

Week 4

Nourish your body, let go of stress, and balance your blood sugar.

+ Mindful eating and deep breathing exercises.

Week 5

Digestion and gut health.

+ Female biohacking tips.

Week 6

How to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle forever.

+ Eating-out guide and recommended products.

Here’s what people are saying about Adri's Programs

"I used to be so intent with strict regimented food and exercise programs that if I deviated, I would lose my focus for several days and even just move onto another food program. That stopped with your 80/20 approach and your focus on eating real, fresh, whole, nutrient-dense foods. I had been looking for a wellness coach for years and no one was quite the fit until I found you. You are a wonderful coach and you make this entire process easy, meaningful, and understandable. So hats off to you!"

Wanda - 7-Day Wellness Reset & The Wellness Method

"I was pre-diabetic when I started Adri's program. With her support and guidance, I was able to lose 8 kgs, lower my blood sugar, and significantly improve my cholesterol levels."

Kelly - 1:1 Coaching

"For the first time in a long time, I don't feel the urge to weigh myself. It's so liberating."

Sara - 1:1 Coaching

"I used to struggle with binge eating and with a lot of guilt around my food choices. We were able to understand why some patterns repeat in my life, what I can do to prevent them and what to do when they occur, without judgement and without guilt. I now feel stronger, both physically and emotionally. I'm able to pick myself up quicker after a stressful day and after not making the best food choices."

Dragana - The Wellness Method

"I feel more confident about my body and more motivated to treat it well. TWM is not another diet, it's a beautiful new lifestyle where you enjoy what you eat and feel confident about your food choices.

I now feel thinner, stronger and more energized."

Marce - The Wellness Method

"After TWM, I feel much better. I've been able to let go of a lot of food guilt. I now feel more confident with meal planning. Hearing the other ladies during the group sessions has made me realize that I'm not alone. Unlike most programs which only focus on one thing (nutrition or exercise etc), Adri's programs help you work in all aspects of your health."

Maria - The Wellness Method

""I loved your 7-day wellness reset. Loved the concept of mindful eating. Thank you for what you do."

Divi - 7-Day Wellness Reset

"After TWM, I feel safe around food and I can identify what makes me feel good and what doesn't. My digestion is better and I've found a more stable and balanced weight.

Every single day I feel beautiful and grateful for what my body does for me."

Michelle - The Wellness Method


Bonus 1
Healthy Recipes

Quick, easy, delicious recipes (forget about boring salads). You won't have to give up chocolate!

Bonus 2
Guided MeditationS

Guided meditations to help you reprogram the stories you have around food and your body, and to help you lower stress. 

Bonus 3

To help you become aware of what matters, keep your thoughts organized, hold yourself accountable and celebrate your progress. 

About Adri Fonseca

Hi! I'm Adri, a Certified Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. After spending over 10 years of my life counting calories, avoiding carbs, and over-exercising, and still not getting the results I wanted, I set out on a path to find a better way.

I started taking care of my body from a place of love, gratitude, and appreciation and managed to switch off the triggers that were causing my emotional eating. This new approach enabled me to let go of anxiety around food, and effortlessly lose over 12 kgs. I'm now passionate about helping other women quit fad dieting forever, heal their relationship with food, and find their ideal weight so that they become more confident in their body, happier, and healthier.

I no longer believe in dieting or deprivation. My programs focus on the power of eating real food, implementing nourishing self-care habits, and developing a positive mindset. I believe these three components are fundamental for living a happy, healthy life!

frequently asked questions

How does the program work?

You'll create a username and password to be able to access the program portal. Every Monday during the duration of the program a new video module with workbooks and other resources will become available to you. We'll have a weekly 60-90 minutes group coaching and Q&A call every Sunday. Additionally, you'll be able to schedule two 60 minutes one-on-one coaching calls with me.

What if I can't attend the group coaching calls live?

Every call will be recorded and you'll receive a replay within 24 hours. 


What if I don't have time to complete the weekly modules?

You'll get lifetime access to the program, so you'll be able to complete the modules at your own time. 


What if I'm already following a medical treatment?

The aim of the program is not to replace any medical treatment, but to support your body and health in a natural way. The program will help you get better and more sustainable results from your medical treatment. 


Will this work for me?

There's no one-size fits all approach to health & wellness and this is why I've designed this program in such a unique way. I'll teach you how to tune into your body to understand its exact needs and how to satisfy them. We'll work together to find a way of eating and a lifestyle that works for YOU. 

What if I'm injured and can't exercise?

You don't necessarily have to exercise to be able to reach your ideal weight. We'll focus on other aspects of your lifestyle that have an impact on your weight, health, and wellbeing.

And the good news is, the healthier habits you'll learn in the program will help you heal your injuries faster. 


What are the payment methods?

Debit or credit card through Paypal, or bank transfer if you're based in UAE.


What if I don't like the program?

The program has a 10-day warranty.

If you start the program and realize it isn't for you, you can request full reimbursement. All access to modules and Facebook group would be revoked at this point. 


What does the program include?

  • 6 Group Coaching and Q&A Live Calls with Adri ($900 Value): We'll have a weekly 60-90 minutes live call to discuss each week's topics and you can ask any questions you have. You'll also get to listen to and learn from other women in the program.  
  • 6 Video Modules with Health & Nutrition Principles ($900 Value): All the theory and strategies you need to know to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.  
  • Two Private Coaching Calls with Adri ($400): You'll be able to schedule two 60 minutes live calls anytime you need them, so that we can discuss any topics you're struggling with or topics you don't feel comfortable sharing with the rest of the group. 
  • Downloadable, Printable Workbooks, Guides and Recipes ($300 Value): These resources will help you review the most important topics and plan for success.
  • Two Guided Meditations ($100 Value): To help you reprogram the stories you have around food and your body, and to help you lower stress.
  • Private Facebook Community (Invaluable): Providing accountability and support from women just like you.

That's a total value of $2,600!

but you get access for only $333

early bird

* Waitlist only - Valid until June 2nd, 2021 *

$ 280

  • Lifetime access
  • Access to 6 weekly modules
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls
  • 2 one-on-one coaching calls
  • Private Facebook community
  • 3 bonuses

This is the only health coaching program that includes 2 one-on-one coaching calls at this price.

The price of the program will increase in the next edition. 

regular price

* Valid until June 6th, 2021 *

$ 333

  • Lifetime access
  • Access to 6 weekly modules
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls
  • 2 one-on-one coaching calls
  • Private Facebook community
  • 3 bonuses

This is the only health coaching program that includes 2 one-on-one coaching calls at this price.

The price of the program will increase in the next edition. 

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Programs like these almost never come with a money-back guarantee.

But if you realize this program isn't for you, you can get a full refund anytime within 14 days after the start of the program. No questions asked! 

where do you want to be in 6 weeks?

doors close in...


* Spots are limited *

GOT more questions?

Click here to schedule a free call and get your questions answered to see whether this is the right program for you. 

Copyright ©  2021 - Adri Fonseca FZ LLE - All Rights Reserved